Th3 Wir3: W33k Fiv3

What’s hannenin’? It’s Friday, congratulations to all on surviving another week. You probably don’t quite remember what happened last Tuesday and how it played out this past weekend, so I’m here to break it down. In short: not too much. I have a few moves to talk about, you can take a look at the rest at the top and at the bottom, or just look through the Recent Activity tab on the League page. Here we go…

As per usual, the top of the auction list was comprised of players who don’t deserve nearly as much FAAB as we’ve put towards them. The offending owners this week happen to be Ryan and Brendan, and while I commend Ryan for finally using some of his bucks I’ll continue to point out that hardly anyone is going to be worth more than $20 or even 15. We’ve yet to see multiple $20+ offers on a single player, even after the massacre that was Week 2. Maybe next year we will come to our senses, it’s all about those small margins here.

Ryan’s top two pick-ups COMBINED for 1.1 points this week, which is super inefficient just off the bat, but supposedly there’s a method to this madness. He beat out Lebron, Kris, Brendan and Alex on those two offers, maybe one of them wants to trade? Another interesting play of Ryan’s week I’ll mention was the three card monte he was playing on the waiver wire. First, he added Gardner Minshew for Matt Ryan, then did a flip flop and dropped Minshew to get Ryan back (they have the same name lol), and finally decided he wanted to keep both of them and dropped Damiere Byrd for The Mustache. He picked him as the right guy to start as well, leading to his first win against some no-name team, nice job there.

Beans’ add of D’Ernest Johnson for $25 also seems pretty inefficient at first when you see he only scored 4.1 points the following week, but we may have to wait and see about this one too. With Nick Chubb out for multiple weeks and the Browns still gathering momentum, it seems hopeful that Johnson will get starter volume. Brent’s rival $14 bid made this pick a little more interesting, as did Brent’s win over Beans Corp. later that week. A little taste of defeat and some more injuries might cause one of The League’s iron horses to hit the breaks, but an easy upcoming schedule might be just what the doctor ordered. Stay tuned…

We’ve made it to the middle of the column, where I talk about who played the best free-agency ball of the week. This week’s winner has gotta be Alex, a man who certainly has his priorities in order when it comes to FAAB. He exchanged the Chiefs defense for the Cardinals for $10, which seems high for a defense, but the Cardinals put up a very solid 8 for the week. While that puts him in the negative in column K, his big win comes after factoring in the -5 points his former defense anti-scored, giving him a +13 N-diff, best of the week by a lot. Alex also swapped Cam Newton for Teddy Bridgewater, who put up a very respectable 20.8 and helped the Vampire Hunters go up 4-1. There’s something to be said about momentum here, and Alex has got it.

The receiving end of Alex’s beating this week happened to be Kris, who made the very solid move of bidding $3 on Justin Jackson after Austin Eckler went down (he’s great on Twitter, I really should’ve thought about getting him, but I’ll give you that for what I did to you this week hehe). His 11.1 point performance went to waste though since he ended up riding the bench, but this was a strategic move if I ever saw one. If Kris had a good quarterback this week, I’d definitely be nervous as our matchup approaches đŸ˜‰

Another guy who made some good moves this week was our reporter friend Maxi Boy, who I found out sent Nick Saban a bunch of Matzo ball soup after the news broke that he tested positive for the Big C. Let’s focus on pro football for a second here buddy, capisce? He picked up Graham Gano (20) and dropped the Broncos D/ST (BYE), probably because he saw the Giants have had zero touchdowns thrown since Week 1. Good move. He also dropped Austin Hooper and picked up Justin Herbert (27.4), which also helped him win against the 0-5-but-still-hanging-around Andrew Vignali. Since the players you added and dropped are at different positions, the point difference stats don’t work as well and you get points docked in the competition to be the winner of the week. I don’t make the rules.

The biggest blunder made this week was Abie dropping Brandin Cooks (26.1) for Brandon Aiyuk (5.9), whoops. Now no one would ever do this, but leaving Cooks in the line-up and replacing Tyler Lockett or Amari Cooper with Emmanuel Sanders would’ve given you the win against Lebron. You probably already knew that though. We as a League can’t let Lebron get hot, especially after a different Lebron just became a The Champ. Tell me again why I couldn’t have Robby Anderson?

To wrap things up, I’ll talk a little bit about myself. I need lesson from Alex on how to pick the right defenses. You know the phrase, fool me once, yadda yadda yadda. The Cowboys defense fooled me once by getting -9 points a few weeks back, but they were playing the Giants this week so they couldn’t repeat that abortion, so I dropped the Broncos and picked the Boys back up (not to be confused with the Amazon Prime series, The Boys, which I still haven’t seen). Or could they? My fear of being fooled twice outweighed my risk-taking lizard brain and I went with the Saints, who got run up on by Justin Herbert and gave me a pitiful 2 points on my way to a tough loss to some intergalactic team.

Most of the other moves made leading up to the action on Sunday were due to COVID lists and some teams on Bye Weeks. Next week the Byes will really start coming into play, some of our budgets are getting low, and moves have already been made to take advantage of that. We’ll see how they play out in roughly 36 hours. Until then, bid low, bid slow, and don’t spend it all in one place. This has been Th3 Wir3, go League.

Author: Jack

Author of The Wire and LeagueStory

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