The Wire: Week 6

…And we are back to our regularly scheduled Wednesday release date. Boy, last week was definitely something else. As I think Beans said in the GroupMe, “one of the worst weeks The League has ever seen.” Not for me, but I’ll dive into that in a bit. Not for Brent either, congrats on 6-0 and on beating my bid for the Dolphins defense by a dollar. I’ll need that $7 later since I used a good chunk of my FAAB this week elsewhere. Might as well get into it:

As you can see in the above table, the top three most expensive players this week scored less than their purchase price, albeit to a lesser degree than Week 5. I guess we’re learning. I failed to take my own advice and spent $21 on Ryan Fitzpatrick to make sure Kris couldn’t have him, which actually kind of worked. He ended up bidding only six of his sixteen remaining dollars on The Beard instead of going for another one of the options available. To be honest I’m surprised he would go against the Jets like that, but I guess the ‘phins were/are streaking and the Jets are gonna Jets regardless of who’s betting where. I happened to wake up on the earlier side to check the offers report and noticed Ryan Tannehill was a free agent, so I scooped him up too. This turned out to be much more helpful than the Fitzpatrick bid as it took almost 30 points away from the Norse Horse. In the end it might not have mattered, and the bottom line is I’m out $32 including the $11 I spent on Jason Sanders for a one-week streaming play. Just get Randy Bullock back and win this week Kris, hopefully you’ll be okay. I believe Jimmy G is available as well.

Max activated his future-telling powers and saw that I called him out for dropping a player at a different position from the one he was picking up because it made my stats mean less than they already do. In response to this, he grabbed Frank Gore (9.0) and said goodbye to his buddy Rex Burkhead (1.4). The $15 he spent could have been $6, but the N-diff (which works best for same-position transactions) came out to +7.6, highest of the week. Great job! Now go back and read every blog post you supposedly didn’t know about until a few days ago.

This guy Abie keeps pulling these great moves and still has most of his FAAB left, has he done this before? Just kidding we all have. I believe he’s had the STEAL OF THE WEEK distinction before, but this week it’s in the form of Mr. Travis Fulgham. Only five dollars for 16.5 points? That’s more than 3 points per dollar (yes, I’m an accountant). Abie also secured the rocket ship that is Chase Claypool for FREE after no one bid on him due to Brent’s psyche-out. I think I whiffed a smidge of Albany collusion there 0_0. He was also the first one on the waiver wire after the auction moves were finished, another example of early bird gets the worm (see “Tannehill”). With a tough matchup ahead, Abie better hope I’m begrudgingly writing good things about his moves next week. Let’s just see what happens though.

Speaking of AB, he’s going to the Seahawks! Don’t try and pick him up though, Kris beat you to it. Best of luck with that.

Last auction player I’d like to discuss is our dearly departed Vampire Hunter Alex. He had a perfectly efficient $6-for-6 picking up the Football Team’s D/ST, unfortunately it cost him the Cardinals D (14) who decimated the Cowboys on Monday Night. Alex also took a chance on Heisman runner-up J.K. Dobbins after Mark Ingram went down the week prior, dropping Adrian Peterson in the process. Brent scooped up AP last second for one Alexander Hamilton and came out in the green with 12.3 points. Dobbins disappointed with a 3.9, and even though he stayed on Alex’s bench it’s not a great look.

Not FAAB related, but Beans’ last-second pickup of Younghoe Koo for Robbie Gould gave him a +13 net point total, highest of the week. Wanted to say good job for that despite the loss. You also gotta respect the move for Andy Dalton despite no one else bidding on him and many better QBs being available. Might be time to work on the streaming strategy.

I’ve gotten some good feedback and suggestions on what people want to see from me based on my output. I got some things cookin’ that I’m excited about, and definitely continue to be open to comments. I’m always adding to the spreadsheet I use for these reports to deepen my insights, let me know if you want to take a look at the organized chaos so you can see my process and tailor your own suggestions. People helping people.

I’m gonna go have some dinner. I’m excited for this week’s matchups and the write-up it’ll produce. Until then, bid low, bid slow, and don’t spend it all in one place. This has been The Wire, go League, and stream Poppy on Spotify 🙂

I’ve included the net points of players who actually started (points of starting players minus points of the players dropped for them) next to Total Net Points

Author: Jack

Author of The Wire and LeagueStory

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