1st Round Predictions Picks 5-1

IT’S TIME!!! Ladies and Gentleman, we are back for 1st round prediction picks 5-1. We are as close as it gets to the draft. All I think about is panic, screaming, and excitement that the draft is going to have. Will any of that happen during picks 5-1? Let’s find out.

Pick 5 (4th n’ Schlong)

300+ touches as a ROOKIE?!?! Sign Bradley up. No more Big Ben noodle arm to dump off passes. However, a rookie QB or Mitchy Turby throwing the rock SCREAMS 300+ touches. This is the type of pick that would make a certain former TheLeague member jump up and down with joy.

PICK 4 (Beans Corp)

Rumor has is Beans has been practicing his griddy. The reason why is because he’s planning to draft the best WR in Football, Mr. JJ. Brendan will be running in circles screaming profanities when he makes this selection. JJ is getting so much love that he may even go #1 this year :O

PICK 3 (Notorious BIT….CH)

Wait what? Money Mac going #3? Yes! I’ve done 4 mock drafts with our Commish and in one of the drafts he took Evan McPherson. This means there’s a 25% chance he goes this direction.

Okay you got me. I was kidding. Vigs misses out on two other studs but lands this PPR machine. One of a few NFL players who is vocal about how much he loves his fantasy owners. Can’t go wrong here.

PICK 2 (Norse Horse)

The man who went 1st overall in back to back years is finally dethroned. WOW. We all know what CMC can do when he is ON the field, but that has been rare recently. CMC destroyed Lebron, Beans, and Max’s (via trade) fantasy hopes the last two year. Will he finally stay healthy to bring Kris back to the fantasy Championship? Only time can tell. CMC has the highest ceiling out of all fantasy players, but where’s the floor?

PICK 1 (The Notorious B.H.G.)

No surprise here. The back to back champ takes the best player off the board. Couldn’t be happier to take Jonathan Taylor with the #1 pick. Just ask Jack how much he loves this former Wisconsin Badger and he will go nuts *pun intended*. As I mentioned before CMC has the highest ceiling out of all players, but 23 year old Jonathan Taylor, who is entering his prime, is not far behind.

Alright folks that wraps up first round predictions. A lot can happen in two days and it’s possible all the picks swap. Bring all your cheat sheets and study material Saturday you’ll need it.

1st Round Prediction Rounds 10 – 6

If you look into the magic ball you might be able to see my new team name 😉

WOW we finally made it. We are officially closing in on the greatest day of the year… draft day. What’s even crazier is that this is my first post EVER on mustbesunday.com (Trademarked? who knows anymore). It only feels right that I provide my fellow league members and more importantly OUR FANS a sneak peak at the first round draft choices. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the predictions.

PICK 10 (The Martians)

We all know Ryan LOVES Wide Receivers. The zero RB king will show us his love for Wide Receivers again by selecting Davante Adams back to back years.


Abie Abie Abie the man who 34 min ago, from the time I’m writing this, said I was going to come in last place. Will it be true, who knows, but I have the magic ball now so I can only predict the future. Similar to The Martians, Abie will run it back with King Henry. Abie will be crying with joy when the rushing GOAT falls to him.

PICK 8 (Bama Butts)

Is Max the hardest fantasy player to predict? Yes. No one ever knows which direction Max will go and neither do I. I believe Max plays it safe here and takes Dalvin Cook at 8. We all know how much Max loves Viking running backs (Reminder he stole Mattison from Vigs last year).

PICK 7 (Thomas 2.0)

I know I know I know this is the 3rd time I predicted a member of TheLeague to take a player they had last year. That’s just how the world works. Jack gets his guy. One of several players last year to lead Jack to the best record going into playoffs. Ja’Marr is a beast and Jack knows it. Good pick.

PICK 6 (Buffalo Bonez)

*Thomas sees this picture and immediately gets excited* That’s exactly what Thomas will be doing when the best player in football last year falls to him. It’s very easy to say Kupp falls earlier in the draft, but there are other names that people find more valuable. Kupp is going to be a beast and Thomas is going to hope Kupp repeats what he did last year.

That’s a wrap for picks 10-6.

In fantasy anything is possible. When your Google searching “Best Players in Fantasy 2022” that article on page 20 that gives a wild prediction is going to change your mind for the whole year. This can be completely wrong OR it can be 100% accurate. We’ll have that answer in 6 days. I’m excited for the draft and hav been prepping like a mad man. Hope you have been also. PICKS 5-1 coming soon. – Reigning Back to Back Champ of TheLeague